News & Notes
News & Notes
Channeled Text posted by Paul Selig at Patheos: “War and Peace”
At Patheos, Paul Selig posts “War and Peace,” a transcription of a channeled lecture delivered in Brooklyn, New York, on August 4, 2013.
Paul Selig on the BIO Channel’s uneXplained!
The BIO Channel's uneXplained will be re-airing episodes featuring Paul Selig: Saturday, August 10 @ 11:30AM "Trapped in His Body"; Saturday, August 17 @ 10:00AM "The Lost Memories of My Childhood."
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Jose Luis Stevens on Plant Diets and Paul’s Books
At Power Path Seminars & School of Shamanism, Jose Luis Stevens incorporates Paul's books in "The Immense Results of a Plant Diet"
Paul Selig on The Shelly Wilson Show
On July 24, 2013, Paul will be on The Shelly Wilson Show. Call in to speak with the host (347) 308-8250.
Paul is interviewed by Adelyn Jones
Paul is interviewed by Adelyn Jones
Channeled Text posted by Paul Selig at Patheos: “Walking Through the Wall”
At Patheos, Paul Selig posts “Walking Through the Wall,” a transcription of a channeled lecture delivered in New York City on June 6, 2013.
Paul interviewed by Lisa McCourt at Through the Veil Conference
Paul interviewed by Lisa McCourt at Through the Veil Conference
Channeled Text posted by Paul Selig at Patheos: “Change and Growth”
At Patheos, Paul has posted “Change and Growth,” a transcription of a channeled lecture delivered in New York City on April 18, 2013.
Cover for The Book of Knowing and Worth
Forthcoming from Tarcher/Penguin, 26 December 2013
Channeled Text posted by Paul Selig at Patheos: “A New History”
At Patheos, Paul has posted “A New History,” a transcription of a channeled lecture delivered in New York City on March 14, 2013.
Shelli Speaks interviews Paul Selig at Blog Talk Radio
Join Shelli Speaks, of ReflectRadio, as she interviews Paul Selig.
Paul Selig on Bio Channel’s UneXplained in Mexico: Lo Inexplicable
Lo Inexplicable "Ahora los Lunes" Casos extraordinarios de la vida real; personas que buscan ayuda sobrenatural cuando no logran resolver sus problemas con métodos tradicionales.
Group photo from the Austin workshop
Group photo from the Austin workshop
Jon Ray blogs about Paul’s Austin workshop & The Book of Love and Creation
At his website, They Laughed at Jules Verne, Jon Ray blogs about the Austin workshop & The Book of Love and Creation.
Paul interviewed by Dr. Guldal Caba at Energy Talk Radio
Acclaimed best selling author, Paul Selig joins Dr. Guldal for a lively discussion of his book I Am the Word. Quickly they get to the heart of struggles often faced when transcending limits and letting go.
Paul Interviewed on Waking Universe TV
"What if there were no more “what ifs” and you could simply say, “I Am The Word” and know that you really were what that means, which is divinity in motion, the aspect of the creator that can be manifested in form and that is instilled in everybody and everything and subject only to it’s own power to imagine it’s own transcendence." --from the Introduction to the Waking Universe TV interview with Paul Selig
Paul is interviewed at Adam Melvin’s Everyday Enlightenment Radio
Paul is interviewed at Adam Melvin's Everyday Enlightenment Radio, which seeks to connect "everyday people through everyday stories in such a way that brings enlightenment to everybody."