ABC News Nightline
“One of the most sought-after psychics that you’ve never heard of.”

Deepak Chopra
“Authentic, straightforward truth, straight from the source field.”

Sammy Hagar
“Paul Selig absolutely blew my mind.”

Rachel Pollack
“In a world of would-be psychics making great claims for themselves with little evidence to back them up, Paul Selig is the real thing.”
Testimonials About Private Readings
(For testimonials about workshops, please click here.)
“Paul Selig absolutely blew my mind the first time I saw him. When you ask him about someone, and he goes into being that person he will make the biggest of nonbelievers believe on the spot. Goosebumps included. I’ve had two sessions with him, and he nailed it 100%”
—Sammy Hagar, Musician
“In a world of would-be psychics making great claims for themselves with little evidence to back them up, Paul Selig is the real thing. I have seen him teach a crowded room full of people to see and read auras (something that has enriched my own practice as a Tarot reader) and I also have had private sessions with him, in which his guides not only sent me strong energy but also said things that were potent and uncomfortably true.”
—Rachel Pollack, author of 78 Degrees of Wisdom: A Book of Tarot
“Paul combines energy work with a unique ability to tune into his client’s life path and relationships. I have never found anyone who works with such precise skill and compassion regarding both energetic clearing and rock solid psychic counseling. I constantly refer others to work with Paul and regularly invite him to facilitate healing circles with groups of friends and colleagues. His energy sessions are intensely palpable and radically transformative, providing immediate restoration for psyche and soma.”
—Suzanne Richman, Director, Health Arts and Sciences Program, Goddard College
“Totally recommended by this website as being some of the highest levels of Christ energy that are now coming to the planet to help create a planetary ascension in thought, word and action… We are moving into a time of a new heaven and a new earth… this is part of that activation… ”
— Alan Steinfeld, newrealities.com
“It is with great honor to write a testimonial for Paul, but an even greater honor to share with others what a clear channel he is and how quickly one gains great insight in his sessions. I would proudly recommend Paul and share with my own personal experience with his amazing abilities to heal through ‘word’.”
—Tara Taylor, Intuitive Counselor and Author
“I have my own thriving international practice in energy work and when I am seeking clarity or assistance in shifting my own energy I go to Paul Selig. Quite frankly his work is astonishing. His ability to tune into what is going on is, in my experience, unparalleled. Paul has been direct, clean, clear and “spot on” accurate in every reading I have ever had with him. The way he holds space for his clients is particularly effective and resonant in a way that produces immediate shifts as well as long lasting results. His specificity is, I believe, what is most striking about his work. Without reservation or hesitation I wholeheartedly recommend his work to anyone on any level.”
—John Sullivan
“I can’t quite describe what happens when I work with Paul, but one should discover that for himself anyway. What I can say is that the improved state of emotional and spiritual balance I take away from our sessions is like nothing I’ve ever experienced in my life.”
—Stuart Oken, Producer
“Readings with Paul offer astonishingly accurate, specific details in answer to a range of questions, helping me untangle all sorts of knots and resolve pressing conflicts. But even more important, our sessions resonate long afterward with a clearer vision of my life’s purpose, greater trust in my intuitive choices, and loving support for honoring my deepest needs and desires. Generosity and compassion flow from Paul. His gifts help me find deeper connections to myself and to the world. His guidance is powerfully freeing, and, to me, indispensable.”
—Joan Larkin, Author
“Paul Selig is an absolutely wonderful and perceptive guide. His sixth sense has been “on target” on every personal issue that I have discussed with him so far. Most important, he has been instrumental in helping me to face my problems with courage, clarity and a will to resolve them. Paul’s readings have allowed me to organize my thoughts and feelings about my family and friends in a proactive manner – hence preventing me from foiling my relationships unnecessarily. He is totally non judgmental and discusses any personal issue with compassion and focus. He is a “true” guide and I am really fortunate to have him in my life right now.”
—Bari Khan, Director, Finance Division of Administration, NYC Dept of Health and Mental Hygiene
“Paul Selig is an inspired diviner, healer, channeler, and spirit worker. In addition to being a profound vessel for poignant information, Paul offers life-changing strategies for shifting and transforming one’s patterns and energy. I not only rely on Paul personally and often, I frequently recommend him to my own clients. In the twenty-plus years I have been involved in the healing arts, Paul is – and without a doubt – one of the most powerful, transforming, and loving forces I have been blessed to encounter. His spiritual work is a powerful alchemy indeed. It will wake you into a more resonate, blooming version of your purpose.”
—Selah Saterstrom, Diviner and founder of Apotheca, a traditional Southern Rootwork apothecary
“Paul is genuinely great at his bird’s-eye view readings on regular life issues, but what I find most valuable is his work with the Word. Through channelings, teachings and writings, Paul presents a comprehensive program that assists people like you and me to integrate Christ consciousness into our lives. This is no religious theme, but rather a universally soul-shared path for all people. This work awakens the dormant or hidden divine aspects within us. By living actively from this awakened place, I have experienced great freedom and unlimited ways to live a more joyful life.”
—Christopher Radko, Artist and writer
“I have taken both healing and channeling sessions with Paul, an experience like none other I have ever had. He has become my therapy and my friend. The guides, working through Paul, have been a source of great support during a difficult time.”
—Stephanie Lear, Video Producer
“I have “worked” with Paul for 5 years. Within those 5 years, Paul has helped me grow on so many levels. I am not the same person that went into the rabbit hole, but not different either…. just more complete. For me, this is an ongoing journey of self-discovery and Paul has given me the toolset and the understanding to help empower myself. Sometimes special men and women come into your life who you only find when you are searching for something that you think is outside but that is really within. Paul is one of them.”
—Bjorn Harvold, Software Architect
“Paul Selig brings an important contribution in the spiritual awakening and mysteries of human consciousness. His teachings come with a profound and personal journey in allowing free will the accessibility of Divine Love to every day life.”
—Rev. Grace Luminato
“Working with Paul is like coming across leaflets from the manual on how to operate myself. In the past few years, I have come to terms with and released patterns and beliefs that may have taken me decades to do otherwise.”
—Jan Jones, Software Architect
“In the midst of signing the contract for the house of my dreams, my real estate attorney declared, “I’ve already said to the other attorney twice…you must be psychic!!!” I smiled and took the credit, but was really thinking, “Little do you know, it’s Paul!”
“I’ve been working with Paul Selig in groups and privately for the past six years and — whether I’m seeking answers to the most practical questions or life-altering spiritual transformation, Paul has my “go-to” man.
“With Paul’s guidance, I followed a trail of detailed clues to locate the house of my dreams in just two weeks! To be specific, after just two weeks of internet research and readings with Paul, my husband and I found our home on the first visit. It was the first time I’d returned to the region in over 15 years. My husband had never been there before.
“During that one day’s scavenger hunt, I did my best to remember and follow every clue given by Paul in our readings. My husband chose to follow his own intuition instead (Paul’s guides had told him to do this, but, he wanted to maintain “healthy” skepticism anyway). In the end, every clue I managed to remember came true and I have a very good memory.
“Here are just…
1. Very first clue…”Start at the cafe. It’s near a high end cafe that has a sign of either a cup or a bowl on the front.” — Check.
2. “Doesn’t look like much from the front — it is much bigger than appears from front — house goes back and back and back.” — Check.
3. “Two stories in the front. First floor continues back and back. Blonde wood floors and cast iron tub on 1st floor.” — Check.
3. “White picket fence.” — Check.
4. “Red wooden shingles with white trim.” — Check.
5. “Owned by an artist.” “She bought it a long time ago when it was cheap.” “She’s finished with it now.” — Check.
6. “Short walk down the road to a village. On the left, there are restaurants and a grocery store; to the right, some high-end shops.” Basically, Paul described the layout of the village perfectly. — Check.
7. “You will want to be close to the food you need.” — Check. My special type of food store is within walking distance.”
8. “There’s a sign of a rooster either on the side or top of the building.” — Check. Check. Roosters in both places.
9. “Get a realtor to help you buy it.” Told us who would give us the name of the realtor. — Check. Check.
10. Told us what type of mortgage to get. Which mortage company and agent to use. When to get the mortgage. Which lawyer to use. Many details on legal and financial matters. — Check. Check. Check, etc.
11. “This place will be home.” “You will stay.” Hmmm, surprisingly, I loved the sound of this life sentence. I suspect this will, too, will be a “Check.” Time will tell…
“And the list goes on and on… I hope I’ve conveyed some small sense of Paul’s stunning “batting average.” I feel I’ve been a part in a miracle and my life has changed utterly. And we LOVE our house!
“Beyond the practical and material benefits, my spirit has been lifted to new heights thanks to the guidance of my friend and medium, Paul Selig.
“Thank you, Paul!
—Leslee Cooper
“I have been seen Paul several times, and each reading is not only astoundingly accurate, his Guides’ messages are practical, simple, resonant, and speak to the core truths that we feel deep inside but often choose to ignore. Paul is always on point with truth, and for that, I am a devoted advocate. Thank you Paul, you are a gift to our world.”
—Beth Warren
“Paul operates as a transmitter of Wisdom’s higher frequencies, enabling us to receive contemporarily relevant messaging of timeless truths. In working with Paul, Love is not the final destination and resting place of a seeker, but the reflective ground from which a multiplicity of new vantage points may be discovered and explored. Thank you, Paul, for your insights.”
—Sean Fintan O’Sullivan
“A few weeks ago I had a phone reading with Paul, and as time goes by it becomes more clear how precise his reading was. He tuned into my house here in Southern Arizona with amazing accuracy, describing several rooms in detail. I feel like he was here with me! Some of what he spoke of took a few weeks to manifest in the physical, which affirms to me that he and the Guides are outside of the limitations of time and space. I look forward to Paul and the Guides’ continued teachings and books.”
—Mary Alison
“I had a list of questions prepared for my reading with Paul which lost all of their urgency when he instantly focused on an issue I had been struggling with for years but had given up hope of resolving. His accuracy in assessing the situation was absolutely astonishing and it was with great compassion and humor that he helped me see that I could move forward in love where I hadn’t been able to in the past. I felt such a positive lift after the reading; the effects of which I am still feeling. Thank you for this hugely transformative experience.”
— Corina Lash, Interior Designer
“Over many years, I have had the good fortune of working, at various times, with a small handful of authentic, heart-centered channels at key points in my life. Paul Selig is on that list.
“The question I always ask myself, when evaluating the authenticity of channeled material is, ‘Does what I am hearing resonate with what I know to be the highest truth?’ The discernment and knowing comes more from the heart, than an intellectual evaluation.
“I have attended one of Paul’s workshops, and I have consulted him in private phone readings. The insight and suggestions that I have received have been invaluable to me, whether seeking guidance on practical issues (such as selling my house) or family concerns or spiritual questions. Paul possesses a verbal agility that enables him to articulate the impressions he receives in a succinct and straightforward (and sometimes, delightfully humorous) manner.
“This ‘spiritual support team’ — Paul, and the source of the wisdom he is channeling — is, to put it simply, the real deal.”
— Denise Wilson, San Francisco, California