Free video & transcript: Paul Selig at Esalen, 2018

“Implicit Order”: a lecture from the Guides, channeled by Paul Selig during a retreat at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California, in December 2018. 

…Language is essential at this stage of your development. We operate in language, simply put, so that this discussion can be comprehended by the literal mind, the aspect of self that likes to put the building blocks in one piece and call it a house or a bakery. You like order, you like sequence, and we have gifted you texts that are in sequence so that you may be available to them as you can comprehend. With language, we instruct. But, in vibration, we know…

“Implicit Order”: a lecture from the Guides, channeled by Paul Selig during a retreat at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California, in December 2018. 

…Language is essential at this stage of your development. We operate in language, simply put, so that this discussion can be comprehended by the literal mind, the aspect of self that likes to put the building blocks in one piece and call it a house or a bakery. You like order, you like sequence, and we have gifted you texts that are in sequence so that you may be available to them as you can comprehend. With language, we instruct. But, in vibration, we know…