Free video & transcript: Paul Selig in Birmingham, England

“The Expression of the True Self”: a channeled lecture delivered by Paul Selig at a workshop in Birmingham, England, on July 15, 2017.

Each of you comes with a realization of what can be known when you incarnate. Each of you are aware of your innate potential to realize the True Self. Most of you finish with this possibility at a young age. You are taught not to believe in possibility. You are taught to trust only what your eyes and ears can see and hear. You are taught to trust in the known, the predictable, and you are encouraged in all ways to refute any possibility that does not adhere to the group or collective assessment of what truth is….

“The Expression of the True Self”: a channeled lecture delivered by Paul Selig at a workshop in Birmingham, England, on July 15, 2017.

Each of you comes with a realization of what can be known when you incarnate. Each of you are aware of your innate potential to realize the True Self. Most of you finish with this possibility at a young age. You are taught not to believe in possibility. You are taught to trust only what your eyes and ears can see and hear. You are taught to trust in the known, the predictable, and you are encouraged in all ways to refute any possibility that does not adhere to the group or collective assessment of what truth is….