News & Notes
News & Notes
OM Times Feature on The Book of Knowing and Worth!
Paul Selig's channeled text, The Book of Knowing and Worth, featured in OM Times. Read the full article online at the OM Times website.
Paul on Fox News Latino (Photo)
Paul Selig on Fox News Latino (Photo)
Paul interviewed on Spirit Seeker
Paul Selig joins blogtalkradio host Cynde Meyer on her show, Spirit Seeker
Paul at The Ark Bookstore in Santa Fe (Photo)
Paul Selig at The Ark Bookstore in Santa Fe (Photo)
Paul at Unity of Louisville (Photo)
Paul Selig at Unity of Louisville (Photo)
Paul Selig on Jim Harold’s Paranormal Podcast
Psychic/clairvoyant Paul Selig joins Jim Harold to talk about what it is like to have this gift and how we can discover our life’s purpose via service.
Paul interviewed by Scott Cluthe on PI Radio
Positively Incorrect's Scott Cluthe interviews Paul Selig and talks about his latest book, The Book of Knowing and Worth.
Tonight! Paul Selig featured on The Saturday Cafe with Laura Smith on 770 AM WABC Radio New York
At 7PM Eastern, streaming live on, Paul Selig will be featured on The Saturday Cafe with Laura Smith on 770 AM WABC Radio New York. On a clear night, WABC Radio can be heard in 38 states. Please tune in--or listen to the podcast online!
Paul Selig interviewed on Afterlife TV
Says host Bob Olson, of the interview: "Here’s one for your favorites list.... Listening to Paul during this interview lifted my energy and made me feel more hopeful and empowered as a human being."
Excerpt from The Book of Knowing and Worth, at Vivid Life
At Vivid Life, read an excerpt from The Book of Knowing and Worth.
Paul interviewed on Angels in the Buff
Paul interviewed on Angels in the Buff, an engaging talk show hour filled with the wisdom and laughter of Stephanie Lodge, who considers herself a 'spiritual scientist' and medium connected to the Angelic Light Stream vibrations of intelligent love.
Excerpt from The Book of Knowing and Worth at Vivid Life
At Vivid Life, read an excerpt from The Book of Knowing and Worth.
Paul is featured in OM Times
Paul Selig makes the cover of OM Times, for January 2014. (Link to full article).
Paul on Mysterious TV
From Mysterious TV, a promo spot for an upcoming video of Paul's channeled lecture in Atlanta!
Channeled Text posted by Paul Selig at Patheos: “Change”
At Patheos, Paul Selig posts “Change,” a transcription of a channeled lecture delivered in New York City, on September 26, 2013.
I Am the Word and The Book of Knowing and Worth coming on Audio Book!
Paul will be recording the audio books of I Am the Word and The Book and Knowing and Worth, which will be released by Gildan Media. Please stay tuned for release dates! […]
Pictures from Esalen workshops (August)
Pictures from Esalen workshops (August)