News & Notes
News & Notes
Paul Selig to be interviewed on Wake Up (Radio 90.7 KPFK)
In advance of Paul Selig's upcoming workshop at Agape in Los Angeles, he'll be interviewed on Rev. Michael Beckwith's radio show on April 24...
Paul Selig interviewed on The Moore Show
Kevin Moore interviews Paul Selig on his program, The Moore Show. In his breakthrough work of channeled literature, I Am the Word, author...
Paul and the Hagars (PHOTO)
Paul Selig with Sammy and Kari Hagar while Paul was in town for some events in the Bay Area.
Paul Selig on BIO Channel’s “The uneXplained”
The BIO Channel’s uneXplained will be re-airing episodes featuring Paul Selig. Watch the previews here.
New Interview with Paul Selig on 186 Capricorn Radio
Check out 186 Capricorn Radio for a new interview with Paul Selig. Writer, empath and conscious channel, Paul Selig led channeled energy....
Reality Sandwich features Paul Selig, transcript of a channeled lecture
For nearly 20 years, Paul Selig has led channeled energy groups, developing his gifts as a clairaudient. He has channeled 3 remarkable books...
New interview with Paul Selig (Part 2)
Part 2 of Adelyn's interview with Paul Selig, writer, empath and conscious channel. Watch the video at or on Vimeo!
New interview with Paul Selig (Part 1)
Adelyn, creator of, interviews Paul Selig, writer, empath and conscious channel. Watch at or on Vimeo!
Win a free reading! Spirituality & Health Magazine features Paul Selig
Click to read the feature at the Spirituality & Health Magazine website, which also offers a chance to win a free reading with Paul Selig!
Paul Selig Interviewed on Empower Radio
Host Lisa Jesswein, of the Real Life program on Empower radio, interviews Paul Selig, asking, among other things, "How does someone go from being an NYU teacher, academic and published playwright to a highly sought after channel/empath?"
I Am the Word is now available as an audio book
Paul Selig's first channeled text, I Am The Word, is now also available in an audiobook edition. Visit Amazon or Audible. The book is also free with a new membership to Audible!
Paul Selig Channeling on Fox News Latino
Watch Paul Selig on Fox News Latino, who write: "Many of us question and seek our purpose in life, but there may be something standing in the way of knowing our worth. Renowned psychic, clairvoyant and author Paul Selig, specializes in helping people to clear this path to self-discovery....Don’t miss this compelling interview!"
Paul Selig interviewed by Peter Roth on the Energy Stew show
Interviewer Peter Roth calls The Book of Knowing and Worth "a wonderful tool to learn how to live more powerfully and in greater attunement."
Audio Book now available for The Book of Knowing and Worth
The Book of Knowing and Worth audio book. A 2014 Nautilus Award winner. Narrated by Paul Selig; Length 9 hrs and 12 mins; Unabridged.
2014 Nautilus Award
Paul Selig's *The Book of Knowing and Worth* is a winner of the 2014 Nautilus Award, which represents "Better Books for a Better World."
Alexandria, VA Workshop (PHOTO)
Alexandria, VA Workshop (PHOTO)
Paul Selig Interviewed on Dan Rea’s NightSide, on WBZ NewsRadio 1030
Award-winning Boston television journalist Dan Rea, host of NightSide on WBZ NewsRadio 1030, interviews Paul Selig.
Weekend Workshop with Paul Selig in Boston (PHOTO)
Weekend Workshop with Paul Selig in Boston (PHOTO)
Paul Selig interviewed on the Shelly Wilson Show
Listen to an interview with Paul Selig on the Shelly Wilson Show. From the website: "The Book of Knowing and Worth offers the most well–rounded spiritual psychology since the work of Edgar Cayce. Selig’s latest tome reveals that true understanding of our life’s purpose can be found through “service”—the practice of the thing that you most love. Readers can discover their own form of service through this powerful mantra: “I know who I am, I know what I am, I know how I serve.”