
At Power Path Seminars & School of Shamanism, Jose Luis Stevens incorporates Paul’s books in “The Immense Results of a Plant Diet“:

As I mentioned earlier the diet is highly impacted by whatever reading material or listening material each dieter is focusing on. During the last diet in the jungle, I had brought Paul Selig’s book I Am The Word, a book that had a big influence on me and one that I found to have incredible impact. This time I brought his second book, The Book of Love and Creation, a book I would highly recommend for anyone seriously interested in expanding their consciousness, especially during these times. While these channeled books are impossible to summarize, let us say they represent the latest in development of the technology of imbedding invisible information into the visible text. The net result is an encyclopedia of information and an even greater and faster experience of the information.

During the third special ceremony I had a profound experience related to the material in the book and in relation to other information I had gathered over the years from the Michael Teachings . In his channeled books Paul Selig’s guides focus on the power of the word. They emphasize that the word “word” contains the frequency or energy of the action of spirit, the doing, creative aspect of the universe. Perhaps you recall from past articles that the universe is comprised of three distinct aspects, truth, love, and energy? The word would correspond to the energetic aspect, that aspect that makes things happen or is the power behind creation. The love aspect coalesces things or brings them together and the truth aspect provides the knowing or intelligence. God or Spirit could be said to be that which knows, loves, and creates from that knowing and loving. All three working together would be the “I AM That I AM”.

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