(The following is the transcript of a group channeling conducted by Paul Selig in New York City on June 3, 2010. It was followed by group and individual energy work.)
We are ready to go, and would like to start with a prayer of protection and a sanctification of the new home you are residing in. Now this is important to understand. The frequency of this space, in fact, is higher and, consequently, the energy work we do with you will change somewhat as we are allowed to amplify the frequency to a new level.
Now each one of you is undergoing a change anyway, and you will see this in your own lives as you attend to your business. But we will start tonight calling in this space into a healing space and sealing it in the Christ consciousness so that you may work effectively with one another and with our frequency as we attend to your needs. So if you would confirm the following:
“I am now choosing to sanctify this space in Divine Light and I am owning my own ability to go forward in this work in this new environment with the highest good of all concerned in attendance. I am doing this now through the intention to come into my own knowing as Word. I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.” Now we receive you each as love. “I am now owning my ability to be received as love. I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”
This is a night of celebration. And this is a night of benefit. And this is a night of wisdom being taught and earned through your actions. Now each one of you wants to know why you are here and why you have come into this lifetime. And we would like to tell you each your own answers, however we cannot because that takes away your ownership of your own choices. But we will tell you this much: There is no accident that we are working together and there is no fear in the work that we do in love with each of you.
Now tonight’s work and teaching is about responsibility and the responsibility that you take as a soul when you incarnate. You each come here with plans that have been made prior to this lifetime. You each come with agendas and with a direct access to those things you will need to be responsible for as you go forward.
Now if you can imagine for a moment that you have a list of things that need to be learned and achieved in a lifetime, and you go forward with this list in your back pocket unable to see it even, but understand, everyone, that that list is active. You each have it and it is informing your choices and the changes that you incur through them.
If you know already that you need to make a salad, you go to the produce section. If you know in this lifetime you need to learn wisdom, you need to recover from a past injury, you need to heal an aspect of the self that was deeply wounded in an encounter with another, you go to those places as well. And as you attend to them, you have encounters and you have ways of responsibility.
Now to be in responsibility is to be in action. There is nothing passive about that. When you make a choice and you adhere to the responsibility of it, you are in action. Now the quandary that you have as you go forward in this life is you have no clue what you chose to be responsible for, and therefore you feel victimized when something occurs that feels out of your control. You understand, on a certain level, that you may have a lesson to learn or that there is an opportunity for growth, but you cannot understand the reason for it outside of your experience in this lifetime. So as you change your course in response to the actions of your lives you are constantly replaying issues again and again until you understand them and accept them and learn their lesson and move on in life. There is no punishment here really. You understand this because, in fact, you are choosing these situations in order to heal yourselves. It doesn’t feel like it, does it sometimes? And we understand this.
Now we will talk about injustice in a moment because that does happen and people incur karma through their treatment of others and through the choices that they make. However, the responsibility we speak of tonight has much more to do with your own choices, what you have brought forth as learning as choice in this lifetime.
Each one of you here contends with issues that you identify as the self because you over-identify with your problems to the extent that you believe that they are you. Well they are no more you than a page in a book that will be turned one day. And this lifetime, in fact, is no more than several pages in a much larger book that has been written over thousands and thousands of years and incarnations. And the ability that you have to move through this stuff, as it were, through the work that we do will enable you to move quickly as you access your own Divine Self. Because if you can understand right away that your Divine Self, your aspect of God indwelling within you has been here forever, will be here forever, you can understand the transitory nature of all else that you experience.
Now wisdom, we say, comes from experience and through learning. And the choices that you make and the actions that you take in response to them are the learning you need in this lifetime. These things happen for purposeful reasons. “Why was I harmed by that woman?” “Why did this happen to me when I was ten?” “Why did she say that to me yesterday?” Well, you can go on and on about these things if you wish. But we have said before to you that this passage requires you to move forward without fear and without blame of others. Your intuition, your own knowing tells you that this is correct. But you still harbor fear that “if I don’t do this right I will be in trouble,” “If I don’t get her back, I will be harmed again,” “If I don’t teach him his lesson, nobody will, so it has to be done.” When you move into these spaces, you are actually out of alignment, but you may be incurring more karma that you will have to work out as you go forward.
Now, the good news for you is that that aspect of you that is divine is greater than any trouble you could encounter. That aspect of you that is enlightened already and is seeking its’ realization as “I am Word” can contend with whatever you encounter, and this is a fact. You don’t believe it yet because you haven’t had to act on it fully, but each of you will in time. And this is the great healing that is promised to you each when you know yourself as your Divine Self. In your wisdom, your passage is complete and there is no harm to come to the Christed Self who owns her truth, because that harm cannot exist at this level of consciousness.
“Well, what of the body?” you ask. The body vibrates at a low frequency and each one of you who has been working for a while has actually been working to frequency-elevate the physical self that you stand in so that you may hold more energy. But the body itself is merely a vehicle for your experience of consciousness on this plane. Once you identify with the body as yourself, you become moored to low frequency. Do you understand this? Now we are not discounting the physical form that you stand in in any way at all. It needs to be healed. It needs to be loved. And it needs to lift with you as you can take it, but it is not who you are.
So the fear of the body is something that everybody contends with eventually as they move forward in lives. And we say “lives” with intention tonight because we are taking you out of this lifetime in consciousness to give you the broader spectrum so that you may begin to understand yourselves in sequence. And we say “in sequence” with this in mind:
The experiences that you have and that you become responsible for are tethered in your consciousness in a string that is in sequence and can be moved out of sequence as you shift in dimension. Now this can happen easily and it already happens, in some ways, when you access information from the future through your clairvoyance, or through the body with you clairsentience, or when you understand something “in your knowing” in a way that is truthful to you and was not garnered through your physical actions. What this means is you already have access to the self out of time, and when you are out of time and out of sequence, as it were, you can call to you information that exists and is apparent in higher dimensional realms. This will be something that we do with you in time so that you can access your own knowing outside of your frame of reference, outside of your experience of this planet, of yourselves in form. But responsibility, we say, is how you must manage it.
Now Paul wanted to know about injustice earlier and we owe him an explanation, because each one of you in this life has had multiple experiences of understanding yourselves through injustice. And as this happens you become identified as the one who was harmed. Now guess what everybody? In some cases, you are a balancing act and some of these people that you encounter who you feel harm you are actually balancing themselves out with you as well. But are there instances of injustice? Yes. You all have free will and you encounter things through your lives that you may not feel in truth. But finally you have a decision to make, “Is all that comes to me in my conscious mind my creation or am I a victim of circumstance?”
Now there are collective decisions that get made by soul groups. There are collective decisions that are made by countries and there are collective decisions that are made in the higher realms that get brought into form through the intention to transform, and that is what is happening now. We are working with this planet with other groups, through other vehicles, to change the vibration of this place into an ascended way of being. This comes out of a requirement for this planet to be in its knowing of itself as divine, and the forgetting of this, finally, has been the reckoning that you are having to attend to as humans. It is what is happening now.
The reckoning is upon everyone and, of course, you know that as you choose to grow into your knowing you can acclimate to the frequency we offer you and attend to yourselves and others. But there are people right now who resist the frequency and create resistance on this plane. And you must become aware through your own witnessing when something is not in truth, when something is being created to provoke fear, when something is being created to diminish the frequency that is available to others. And this is the backlash, as it were, that says “No this cannot happen. No it cannot be real. And no, I am not allowed to know myself as loved by God” as it were. Do you understand what we are saying? So the responsibility you each have now is to be in your attendance of your vibration. And when you are low, ask yourselves why? What is the cause? What am I fearing? Where am I fearful of who, and what, and why do I hold this? And then make the choice to change.
You are responsible for your own vibration. No one can do this for you. No one can do it with you without your permission. And we are working with you each as we can to assist you in your own knowing of your own God-self. That is our work here and it will continue. “I am Word through my knowing of myself as Word. I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”