(The following is the transcript of a group channeling held by Paul Selig in New York City on May 20, 2010. It was followed by group and individual energy work.)
We want to talk a minute before you start about what’s happening now and the reasons for change and how you have to acclimate to it.
It’s very important that this time is understood for what it truly is: A regarding of the self in completion. When you are in completion, you are leaving things behind. When you are finishing things, you are welcoming the new things and these things have to appear in their time. And those of you who are going through extraordinary change must begin to recognize the self in completion. If you allow this, what you will understand about yourselves is a free way forward to live the life you claim that you want. When you desire health and love and freedom, it can be there for you when you choose these things, when you decide you can have them, when you can believe your worth as a Light Being receiving the self, “I am Word.”
Now tonight we want to talk about love and the freedom of love, and what love can be. And as you regard yourselves in love, the choices you make can only reflect love, can only be in love. And this is not clear to many of you still. Who am I in love? What does it mean to be in love? Who am I to say I am in love?
Now love, as we speak of it, is frequency. It is not emotion, It is choice. It is action. It is absolving itself through its intention to be love. It is always in transformation, as you are. It is always growing in love as you grow. Now, you are piece of light, you are a piece of the Creator having your experience here and trying to understand yourselves through the mirrors that you put before you: “I am a widow,” “I am a sad man,” “I don’t love this one,” “I care about that job.” And all of these things that you use to support your experience here are withstanding the changes that you are undertaking. But they must be transformed by them. They cannot hold as you go forward. And the experiences you have as you choose your knowing, ‘I am Word, I am an aspect of God in creation,’ will come to you in love.
Now tonight we have an issue we need to address with Paul, and we will use this opportunity because it is a public forum. And this is not to make him uncomfortable, but it is the only time he listens to us directly without censoring himself. And the reason for this is he cannot stop talking without breaking the flow. So we are supporting him tonight because he has been undertaking problems. And one after the other, they are surmounting themselves and carrying him forward. However, he does not see the point to it all, other than struggle. Why does it have to be so hard?
Well, we will tell you this, and this is applicable to each of you: As you choose your growth, what you correct in your experience must redirect you to a new place. You cannot stay the same and make the same choices without withstanding the frustrations that come when one attempts to compartmentalize the self when one is no longer able to. You understand this, everyone, but you don’t get it when you re doing it. When you feel that you are growing, but you don’t want to change anything, you have a hell of a ride ahead of you. Because the growth will carry you forward, whether or not you like it.
Now, this comes from choice, of course, but once you commit to the frequency of the Word, which is the Christ vibration in action, there is no way around it. You have put the motor on the boat, and the boat is going forward, and those things that keep the boat ashore are going to be thrown off the sides, so that you can travel readily to your new lives.
So, Paul, we say to you this: Your frustrations and fears are all about replicating the past and not seeing where you are headed, which is a joyous place. But your choices are still being born out of past behaviors. And that is the frustration you are experiencing. When you want something new, and you can take it, and you get frightened of it, you revert to patterning that would circumvent change and keep you in a position of safety as it perceived by you.
This goes for each of you, by the way, because you all have ways that you do this, and you symptomize them, you categorize them, and you explain them to yourselves through your rational thinking. But believe it or not, your rational thinking has been previously recorded by you in response to the creations you have made when you were significantly less in frequency. Do you understand that? So you are putting the plug in the socket expecting the voltage to flow, but the flow will not happen because the current cannot be contained in the receptacle for it by using the old methods. You would short-circuit yourselves.
Now, justifying your behavior because it is what you have always done will keep you sitting on the road applauding the growth of everyone else, because you do not manifest growth by idealizing it. You manifest growth by choice, and action, and decision-making that will support growth. Now, this is spiritual, but a component of your work must be realized in this dimension, through physical action, choice, and responsibility to that choice. Otherwise, you get what you had, and it will not change. And we will serve you as you are and where you are, but we will not be able to give you the meal that is waiting for you at the next level of frequency. And that is a whole other experience.
Where you are tonight is where you stand. Where you stand is the product of all you have ever known, all you have ever seen, and chosen. You are the product of your experience. Period. Now, if you want a new experience, we will give it to you, but you must let go of the old in order to order it, as it were. When you still have your plate before you, you do not order the next one. You think about it, perhaps. But it’s time to get busy, we say. And we will give you the work tonight if you allow us.
Now, we did not expect to give you this yet. We were going to talk about other things first. However, Paul’s situation over the last several days has had us puzzling about choice and responsibility, and ways to render this for you each that you can understand that you are the one in choice, regardless of the outcome. And an outcome, as you perceive it, is the product of a choice, and nothing more. As you move beyond where you stand, your experience will begin to change, and remedy anything that was created out of old notions, patterns of behavior, or fear.
So we will talk about fear now and how you have to handle it through this change that so many of you are undertaking. “Who am I without my fear?” becomes the question you must ask yourself each day. “Who am I without my fear?” “What does it mean to me to be in this experience of myself with no fear? Who would I feel like? How would I sound? What would my behaviors be?” You don’t imagine this because you don’t believe it can be so. And that fact in itself keeps you in fear, and in the recognition of your powerlessness in the face of it. This is your choice, we say. And how you choose to handle it in the coming weeks will decide for you the next stage of your life. And this is true for each of you. Everybody right now is being aligned to a higher level of knowing. This is not just you; this is everybody. And it will not change until we say it does. This is happening at a higher level of understanding. It is happening across the board. It is the grid that is enfolding this grid that is your experience that is expanding and in its escalation.
So the choices that you make while you are in transition are very significant. We will give you an example: You have to board a train. You have five minutes. You are in the station, and you don’t know which train is going where, so you grab the train before you and you say, “I am going here.” Now, that is not necessarily an illumined way of choosing. But when there is much chaos, and people are going through their methods of making choices, the decisions that are made are critical. And for each of you tonight we want to give a recommendation, that in addition to saying, “What would I be without my fear?” you ask yourself this: “Where am I choosing from? Where am I choosing from? Where am I choosing from?” When you choose from love, you choose one way. When you choose from doubt and fear, you create something else.
Now you do not always know what you feel, but love, as we stated, is not a feeling, but it is frequency in action. So, “What am I choosing from?” might well translate as “Where is this coming from in my experience, and what do I expect to benefit from this choice?” If your choice, perhaps, is about creating a narrative that is familiar and comfortable and keeps you in your security of experience in a way that is limited, there is no point to it anymore. If you are creating something stupid to create some drama, that’s not necessary either. But if you can understand today that an expansive choice that will give you a new experience of yourself in relation to Spirit, frequency and others, is of benefit to you now, you will understand what we are speaking of as we speak of choice.
Give yourself a break, everybody. Don’t go crazy. Simply realign yourself to the experiences you are having as part of the great dance that is happening on this planet right now. People are waking up right and left, and they don’t have a vocabulary for it, and their experiences are changing, and they don’t know who to call, or what to call it, because they have not been programmed to support this experience. Guess what, everybody? You are here to serve. You are here to help. And your claim to your own experience will be what aligns them to the possibility that they will create their own. So we congratulate you each in your decisions, but we offer you this advice: As people are falling and rising, and doing what they do around you, choice becomes critical. And “Am I choosing from a high place?” can be your anchor and your guide as you journey onward.