(The following is a transcript of a group channeling conducted in New York City by Paul Selig on May 12, 2010. It was followed by group and individual energy work.)
We will give you a moment to be still and know that I am God. Be still and know that I am God. And this is your lesson for tonight and it will continue to be your lesson in the weeks to come. As you work on this energy field that you stand in, your ability to remain in yourself, to be yourself, in fullness will amplify. But in order for this to take hold, you need to know yourselves as God. “I am Word” states this, in a way. You understand this already, but the peace that you will come to (and we promise you this), as you understand this concept inside and out will surpass what you have known. And we guarantee you this for one reason: It is the work of this life to come into this knowing as yourselves, as the creator in tandem with the Great Creator.
Now remember this always: Who you say you are on any given day is who you are. Who you claim to be is who you become. Who you trust yourself as is what you trust. And what you do not trust in yourself, you do not trust in the world around you.
Now this life that your are living so far has brought with it many lessons and you have interpreted most of them wisely because those of you who come are in attendance to your feelings and your reality, consequently, has benefited from this. But you need to know that who you are becoming will not withstand the old ways of discerning your reality. And by this we mean that you have understood yourself mostly through your interactions with yourselves in relationship to others. You know yourself through your relationship to your child or to your brother or to your husband or to your boss or to the people on the subway or the street or the store. You see yourself in their reflection and consequently you understand who you are.
Now that works on one level and it will work again on a different level as you ascend in your own awareness as I am Word. Now the trouble that you encounter is in limitation, in a limited way of knowing this self through your interactions. “If she says I am this, maybe I am that,” and your reality, then, is malleable to others impressions of you. And you sort through your bills, and you think of yourself interacting with your world economically and personally and without thinking of what’s going on around you in relationship to your ascension.
Now as you go forward and you trust yourselves as frequency you begin to realign your name. “I am Word through my knowing” is the benefit of the knowing you have. And your ability to know yourselves in this way is paramount to the ability to withstand what comes to you as you rise in consciousness.
As you rise in consciousness you become aware of those things that had held you back, that have kept you in belief in limitation and then you have a choice, “Do I believe in the system of medical doctrine? Do I believe in the system of economic life? Do I believe in the system that my relationships must be a barometer for how I am doing in the world?” All of these things that you work with on a daily basis you can expect to become challenged. This is not a bad thing. This is positive. But the encounters with these things are what make some people pull away from the work. If am told that there is something wrong with me that I don’t believe I can heal, then I have a choice. Do I go forward in healing or do I withstand it by another’s procedures? If I am told, in a way, that the body that I stand in will not withstand something, how then do I benefit myself in a higher way to learn what is required to heal the body that I stand in?
Now in a relationship you all have choices. And your relationship with yourself tonight is the choice we want you to make. So when we say to you “Be still and know that I am God,” we are actually speaking as a “you” in amplification. You are the one in your knowing and that aspect of the self that is the Creator within you is healing you, is doing the work with you and is choosing to bring to you the required information you will require to stand, to know, to be healed.
Now tonight is a new night and the loving that you will feel will be great because the love that we have for you is great. And the love that you have for one another will become known to you as you re-address that aspect of the self that is love within you. As you are loved, as you become love, as you stand in love you become love. You are what you say you are, and your frequency will become one with love in a much higher way.
What is love? Love is the aspect of the Creator that you experience in this way as love. To be in love means to be in the Creator. It means to be in the love, in the light, in that aspect of the Creator that you can call up which is all goodness, which is all light, which is all of benefit.
Now there are other aspects we could speak of because you can call your Creator by a name and have that experience of her, or him or whatever you wish to say it is. But when we say you are “in love” in this frequency, as self-identified, you become the love you say you are.
Now when you choose this and you open to it, you are opening up a can. And that which has been sealed within the can will be released and that includes those things that the body has withheld from healing in the past. You have heard of healing crises in the past, when things come up to the surface in relief of their symptoms as they pass through the skin. In a way that is what is happening here, in some ways very distinctly, in some ways softly. And the body that you stand in is required to heal what it has withheld from the light.
Now each one of you has a journey before her, before him, and this is a big journey. Last week we talked to you about months and yes, there is a cycle going on now where you are working out the bondage that you have allowed to be in many different ways. And what you will seek on this path are those things that stand in the way of your forward motion. Where am I docile in my experience? Where am I fearful? Where am I judgmental? Where do I say no to my own benefit? Where do I say no to the benefit of others? Where do I feel inferior and by what cause? Where do I feel untrustworthy? Where do I feel in limitation?
Now the analysis of these things is not required of you. Believe it or not, the days of sitting back and remembering your injuries are long past. That has become an exercise for too many people in saving the pain. In this way, you can see what happened and work it through, but you are not necessarily clearing it in a higher frequency.
We ask you these questions tonight so that you can see them on the path. You do not have to sit back in your chair scribbling in a journal to answer our questions. You have to stay aware as you enter your day where you are stopping yourselves, where you are keeping your frequency low, where you are engaging in painful systems that are no longer serving your benefit.
Now tonight is a new night and we do have work to do with you. But the work of the night is in maintaining the self in her frequency, in his frequency. It is not about working outside of the self tonight, it is about working within. And we would like to work with you individually on these things as we go around the room. So, this will require some patience, but we believe the benefits will be worth it. Now this is a big group that is about to get much, much bigger and we see it coming and we are actually preparing those of you who are here to facilitate.
Understand this, please. Your desire to serve in whatever way you choose to has been heralded by us. And the way that you will serve is the way that you are called to. But as the calling comes, you must remember yourselves as who you are. I am that I am. I am Word. I am the Christ consciousness manifested.
Now this is true everyone, regardless of whether or not you feel it and we would like to tell you why:
The claim “I am Word” carries with it a cadence, a rhythm that is heard on higher levels. It is not a mantra per se, it is a call to action and it assimilates itself in the higher realms. It has been “coded” as it were to amplify itself in those who have brought it forth. So actually, as you have claimed “I am Word” you have brought your whole energy frequency up to a place where it can vibrate in accordance with the Christ. Your intellectual selves, the physical bodies that you stand in necessarily are not up to par yet. But we will promise you this: Your energy fields are. And guess what everybody, your energy field is the truth of who you are. It is your consciousness manifested.
Now, you get to play catch up now. We don’t want you walking around vibrating as the Word and smacking people in the head. We don’t want you fighting in the bar or crying in your pillow at night because you didn’t get your way about something. And these are all manifestations of the self that is requiring to change. As you know who you are, your circumstances will change as well. But the reactions that you still have to things you came to for very good reasons and letting go of those things does not happen overnight.
But your consciousness, we will tell you, is an amplification and the energy frequency that you stand in, “I am Word” is encoded in you. And as you are vibrating as this you allow others to do the same. You are a battery. You inform those around you. You teach them through your being, not through your saying, but through your being and the way you teach others will vary depending on what you are called to do.