(The following is the transcript of a group channeling conducted by Paul Selig in New York City on August 19, 2010. It was followed by group and individual energy work.)
We will start with Paul and let him do his talk so we can get on with the lesson tonight and there is a lesson planned and we have been patient to give it. And we are pleased with for the configuration tonight. This is actually very beneficial to everybody and we want to talk to you all as an entity, and you are an entity when you work together. And you must understand this, that the Divine Self that you are, in fact, creating as yourself is what is coming together with others. Forget personality. Forget what it feels like for a few moments and quite simply remember that you are one with others and that the work that is done together will create new love, new life and massive change.
We are here to begin the new class and we will tell you what this is. The new class is called The Class of Creation, and this will be in progress for one year. Those of you who have been in the teachers’ group continue. You will be taught. We are continuing two levels congruently as we work with new people. But the benefit of this is those of you who have been working for a while will create the structure to call yourselves “I am Word” in public situations where you can heal.
Now don’t run for the door, please. We want to explain what we mean. When you are a teacher of the Word, you are manifested as yourself and you create from that aspect that is you. As you have chosen to respond to the call to Word, you have created an amplification in your energy field and that has brought to you several gifts. And the first gift is the ability to know yourself as Word. This is paramount, please. Do not forget this. You have been given a gift to know yourself in frequency. And as you have chosen this, you have begun to integrate in consciousness and that has brought you in tandem with others who will be doing the work with you.
Now the choice to teach means to be in amplification full-time. It is not choice to say, “I am not the Word,” at a certain point. It becomes a lie because your system has been attuned and you know it. Now we ask you this: When you are the Word in public, how is that different from being the Word in private? How is that different from being in conversation with your fellows here? It is not different. It is the same. But the big difference for you is the availability of your frequency in knowing. When you are here, you state your intention. You discipline yourself. You feel the frequency and you go to town. When you do this with others here, you know what you are doing. When you put yourself in a position, externally, to announce yourself as frequency, you make your frequency available to those who come to you. Now you do this silently or you do this aloud. The same thing will happen. You will become the teacher because you cannot not be. Do you understand this? You have claimed yourself. You become yourself and what you are is the teacher. You are who you are.
Now we are gifted to know you and we want you to understand something. This group was worked with prior to this lifetime. Now don’t run for the door again, we will explain what we mean. When people incarnate, they come with a calling card that says very simply in this lifetime I have these intentions. I have come here to do several things. All of it is learning. All of it is truth. All of it is choice. When you make this choice, you make it on a soul level. This is not a personality choice. “I am not going on a date with him in this lifetime” would not be a soul choice as we describe it. What is a soul choice, though, is the decision to emerge as truth, as love in frequency and that is the work of the Word. And we thank you for your willingness to commit.
Now those of you who are wondering, as Paul is, “Did I sign up for this class prior to this lifetime?” Not really. You have made benefit by your choice to reconvene with others who are in their knowing and the knowing is what is making this passage possible. So we give your praise for your industry thus far and we give you light to show you which way you walk on this path.
There is no one here, no one in this room who has not been prepared on one level or another for the work ahead. Please understand everyone that when we say this, we speak of your knowing, your forgiveness of the self for your past endeavors that have not taught you what you wanted. And your ability now to move through those passages, in this way we have offered you as our teaching. “ I am Word through the one before me” is a way you can offer yourself and will offer yourself in fullness to those who would benefit from your work. “I am Word through my knowing.” We’ll bring you into congruence with your ability to know yourself in frequency as “I am Word.”
The teaching that we give you tonight will be about responsibility and Divine Order and what this really means. Now to be in Divine Order means that you are emerging as the self you are. And consequently what you create will be in that frequency and consequently you can say, quite simply, it is in Divine Order. It is the process of engagement with everything you encounter. As you claim this as truth, your life becomes simple. It cannot not be because you understand, quite simply, that all that is before you has been presented to you, by you on a higher level to be responsible for.
Now understand this, please. You believe on some level, still, that you get to a place where the work is effortless and you float away on a cloud of no responsibility into the Divine Light and everybody sings the Happy Song. Well, that is not the way it works really. The way it really works is this. As you come to terms with yourself as this frequency you become more responsible for your creations. “Why am I doing this? What is the background here? Why has this been brought to me?”
Now sometimes you get confused by those questions and you wonder what they mean. But other times, in fact, they call you forward. They give you the response you need in order to engage with them and move forward to the next lesson. Once you understand this, you no longer are afraid and that is the joyful part. You encounter fear. You understand it. You respond to it and you are transformed. But you are not stuck, nor are you creating any more from the vibration of fear.
The big lesson here, everybody, is that you have the choice. You are doing this. Why not do it right? Why not call to yourself the responsibility that you need as the chosen one that you are in fact? What is the chosen one? The one who has chosen his way, her way, as “I am Word.”
Now you can do this under other names. There are other ways to operate. But the configuration that we have brought through you is, in fact, a new one. It is deciphered on the level of frequency by other energy fields. It does not need an attunement. It does not mean to lay the hands on the other and, consequently, it can reach more people because what we are teaching is them in their incarnation and this is productive.
We understand your fears of becoming yourself in fullness because you require yourself to know things in advance so that you can feel secure. And we would like to apologize in advance for not being able to tell you the future in this response. That would deprive you of the wonder of it. And the wonder of it, we will say, is part of the passage. We can tell you now that you will each have an opportunity to create your life in accordance with your wishes in a higher way than you have now. That is our responsibility to you as those we work with. We do not leave you in the lurch as it were when you have made a commitment to be responsible to us.
However, we would like you to know that your choice to become this frequency will herald your changes, that will be calling the changes to you. What are the changes you may ask? The changes will be different for each of you. They must be as such because you have each come here to learn different things, but you will know them through your experience of them and we say “experience” because that is the way to learn. We can teach, but until you have an experience of our frequency, it means very little. We can listen, but until you can talk to yourself and know who you are, it means less than you think it might. We want to gift you tonight with the ability to know yourselves as “I am Word.”
Now we have done this before in some ways, but we are going to change it a little bit tonight. We have people who have been here that have been working for a long time, and they need experience right now in hearing themselves as Word. “What does it mean to hear the self as Word?” Paul asks. It means to be in frequency and to know it. To know the frequency as who you are.
Now the choice to do this tonight will be taken on two ways. We will take you on first and then you will take each other on and this will be the energy party of the night. But until the party is over, which means that everyone present and hearing on the telephone, hears herself, feels herself as “I am Word,” the party will not be over. So we offer you an advance of this tip, go to the bathroom if you need to. We are not going to keep you all night, we promise you. But we intend to keep you here long enough for you to say “yes” because it is your truth and not “yes,” because you think its what you are supposed to say. We don’t care about that. We care what you care. And we want you to feel yourself as yourself. We have given it a name, yes. But the name is only a way to access it. Do you understand this? The name is the way to access it. Paul is asking for an explanation. Here it is. If you go to the store and you ask for a pickle, you expect a pickle, not a zebra. When you claim “I am Word,” you expect this frequency and you say, “Yes I am this,” because you know it. And because you know it, you sing it. It is your energy. It is seen, felt and heard by those you encounter and it transforms.